Our Worship Service
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am at our new home, 3616 North Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL
"No one of us believes as much or as well as all of us do together in community."
-Based on the writings of Luke Timothy Johnson
We meet weekly in the North Center neighborhood of Chicago for worship centered on a liturgy of Scripture, prayer and the Sacraments of Communion and Baptism.
Coffee and pastries are served in our gallery space at 9:30 am and the bell rings to begin our service at 10:00 am.
Folks dress casually—come as you are.
Our building is located at 3616 North Lincoln Avenue, just steps away from the Addison stop on the CTA brown line.
Our Worship Service
Our service proclaims the love of God for all people and summons us to share that love with others in our words and deeds. Each time we gather we aim to remind each other of just how precious a human being is.
Worship is supported musically by an amazing band. Drawing on a variety of musical genres with an emphasis on Chicago’s gospel, jazz and blues heritage, our Director of Music, Artie Black, crafts a soundtrack for the worship service that thematically complements every element of the service in a way that expands our imaginations and deepens our experience of God’s love, grace and mercy.
The elements of each service are organized around the mysterious presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of Communion, which we celebrate weekly. Our union with Jesus at Communion is the apex of each service. All following Jesus are welcome to the Table.
Kids at Grace
We have a lot of kids at Grace! On Sunday mornings, our kids connect with our children’s staff, spend the first part of the service worshipping with the grown-ups and are then dismissed for an activity half-way through the service. See our Kids at Grace page to learn more about our kid’s programming.
If you're unsure about attending a service, and would be more comfortable grabbing coffee with a member of Grace first, head over to the contact us page and send a note. Coffee is on us!