Grace Chicago cares deeply about children and the families that are raising them. Our Grace Kids Advisory Team works to ensure that the children in our our congregation receive the same care, teaching, and attention that the adults receive. The mission of our kid's program is to partner with families to teach the children of Grace Chicago about God's love for them and His redemption of the world through Christ in a safe, age-appropriate, and fun environment.

On Sundays

  • Children go into worship with their parents. They participate in the worship service all the way through communion. We love having kids in the worship service with us. It can sometimes be a little loud or distracting, but we believe that kids who are familiar with the flow of church are more likely to engage with it later in life. We also believe that while they may not understand everything that happens in the service, they are picking up on much more than meets the eye.

  • Children are dismissed for Sunday School after communion.

  • Adults can pick their child up from their classrooms after the service.

If you have any questions about Grace Kids, please email Kelsey Brown, Director of Grace Kids, at