Giving at Grace
We give because God has been gracious: He has given us much.
We are made to give not from duty but from love. Generous lives result from deepening experiences of God’s love. We are made for generosity. God is essentially a giver and we are made in God’s image.
Theologian, Miroslav Volf, puts it this way: "God gives like ducks quack." Giving is essential to God’s nature. It is not enough to say that giving is a way of describing the actions of God—giving is who God is in God’s essence.
We give to the poor, we give to each other, we give to the specific work of God’s kingdom in our midst (our churches)—we do all of this better and better, more easily and more joyfully, when when we recognize that giving generously and strategically is one important way to align with God’s work in our lives and the world.
So, when we make the needs of the church known and request gifts of time, money and resources, we hope that you will respond in the spirit of God's generous love, in ways that enable you to flourish through giving.
Giving can be practiced on Sundays as the baskets are passed, or a gift can be placed anytime on Sunday mornings in the wooden box just outside of the worship service. Members can also give online or in the ways highlighted below:
Check or recurring check
Please send to:
Grace Chicago
PO Box A-3092
Chicago, IL 60690-3092
Stock or securities
To make a gift of stocks or securities please click here for the form and instructions for your broker. The Barnabas Foundation processes our stock gifts, sends us a check, and you will receive a tax receipt from our accountants. It is important that you indicate that the gift is for Grace Chicago Church, as the foundation will have no way of knowing who the gift is for if you don't. If you have questions, please email Bob Reid or email the deacons for more answers.
Grace Chicago is recognized as a church by the Internal Revenue Service so all contributions are tax deductible. Your donations are confidential and you will receive a receipt each January from our accountant.
If you're unsure about attending a service, and would be more comfortable grabbing coffee with a member of Grace first, head over to the contact us page and send a note. Coffee is on us!