Our Story

Our story is the collection of many different stories. We're people from a variety of backgrounds who call Chicago home. Grace has been around since 2002. Our story is mainly a balance of remaining rooted to Christ, one another, and to the city while being flexible enough to change, grow, and follow God's leading wherever God takes us.

In January of 2002 Grace Chicago Church began with a small group of people who wanted to establish a church that was focused on bringing the historic Christian faith into conversation with our contemporary context.

From the beginning, Grace's mission statement, to seek the good of individuals and the welfare of the city by embracing the good news of God's redemptive promise, has guided us in how we do that. 

The thread that seems to run through from the beginning is a desire on our part collectively and individually to be honest about how difficult and joyful life can be, and how hard it can be to have confidence in God's love when there is so much pain and suffering in the world. And so when we talk about the story of Grace Chicago Church, what we really mean is the story of the collection of individuals who have called Grace Chicago their church community. The gifts of our community, the people, continue to write the story of Grace. We're excited to see how the next chapter of this story unfolds.

At Grace I finally found a home amongst the others like me. We gather often for cookouts, beach days, wine tastings, concerts, we volunteer at things like Pitchfork, and we enjoy coffee and a good brunch.

 If Grace Chicago seems like the sort of community you might want to be a part of, we'd love to buy you a coffee and get to know you further. Let’s connect!