Grace Cookbook
Dear Grace Chicago Family,
It’s no secret that at Grace Chicago, we love food! Sharing meals together is a cornerstone of our community. Over the years, recipes have been traded informally. Now, for the first time, we’d like to collect recipes and create a Grace Chicago cookbook.
Yes, a church cookbook… one that will stay true to the flavor of Grace. The cookbook will be professionally published, and it will be organized by seasons of the year (instead of types of dish). Plus, the cookbook will be a great way to raise money for our growing children’s programs.
The ask: Please submit your recipes – or nominate your friends to send in theirs! (See instructions below.) And, if you have friends from Grace who’ve moved away, we’d love to include them too so that the cookbook is a real collection of our community.
To reserve your copies, email with the number of cookbooks you will be purchasing. Cookbooks will be available for $20 and will be available in early December (perfect for Christmas gifts).
Please submit your recipes online by October 9 so we can meet our deadline.
Thank you!
To Submit Recipes Online:
- Go to and click ‘Login.’
- Enter the User Name: gracechicago
- Enter the password: dessert079 and click ‘Submit.’
- Enter your name and click ‘Continue.’
- Click ‘Add Recipes’ to begin adding your recipes.
Recipe Writing Tips:
- When adding recipes, review the “Tips” and use standard abbreviations.
- Only enter 1 ingredient per ingredient line.
- List ingredients in order of use in the ingredients list and directions.
- Include container sizes, e.g., (16-oz.) pkg., (24-oz.) can.
- Write directions in paragraph form, not in steps.
- Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.” DO NOT use statements like, “Combine first three ingredients.”
- Include temperatures and cooking, chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.
- Additional comments about the recipe (history, nutritional data, suggested uses, etc.) are not allowed unless a “Recipe Note” field is visible. Enter extra recipe content in that field.
If you have questions or you cannot enter the recipes yourself, our committee can enter them for you. Send your questions and recipes to Erin Rozendaal or Danielle Tullier.